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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Pupil Support

We want all of our pupils to feel safe and happy and we have a strong team to help and support pupils throughout their time at Neatherd. We know that pupils can only perform to their best when they feel well, safe and amongst friends.

The Form Tutor is the first port of call for pupils if they have issues in school – be it around organisation, friendship or academic progress.
We have two Directors, supported by three pastoral support leads and five pupil support officers, who oversee the academic and social progress of the pupils.

A vital part of our work and encouragement of pupils is the reward system. Rewards are given when pupils achieve in any area of school life, including behaviour, attendance, academic, sporting, artistic and active citizenship.

Our senior pupils help the school run smoothly in many ways including helping younger pupils. The School Council is a visible force in the school; overseeing charity events as well as working with the leadership team by providing an important point of view in the school...that of the pupils.

Pupils have one form period a day with their form tutor and weekly assemblies which help create a school community with a positive ethos founded on respect and responsibility. The tutor programme supports our school values Compassion, Hard work, Respect, Integrity and Fairness.

Rewards System

At Neatherd we believe that all pupil success should be celebrated. Staff are encouraged to regularly praise and reward pupils when they achieve in any area of the school community including behaviour, attendance, academia, sport, art and active citizenship. 

All rewards are recorded electronically on your son/daughter's profile. Here are some examples of what they can be awarded:

  • House Points for positive contributions in lessons
  • Housepoints for completion of homework
  • Golden Tickets for stand out conduct in a lesson
  • Values tickets for demonstrating our school values
  • Bronze, Silver and Gold House Point Certificates and Badges
  • Values badges for demonstrating our school values
  • Certificate of Excellence for outstanding performance
  • Certificate for Attendance (100% over the whole term)
  • Raffle Assemblies held half-termly where pupils who have received rewards are eligible for vouchers if their name is selected
  • All year groups have an end of year Awards Presentation which parents will be invited to attend
  • Colours/Half Colours - awarded to any student in any sport deemed to be worthy
  • Reward Events
  • Letters of congratulations following reports
  • Inter-House Competitions

Whenever appropriate, we encourage positive behaviour and achievement to be publicly acknowledged through tutor time, assemblies, via social media and parent newsletters. You will at times be contacted via letter or phone and invited in to assemblies, in order to join with us in celebrating success.

Who to contact

Please ask for the following person via reception:

A setting or single subject issue: The Head of Department  (relevant) Department

A day to day issue: See the table below

Director of Behaviour & Attitudes  - KS3  + Yr 7

Mr C Daniels

Director of Behaviour & Attitudes  - KS4 + Yr 11

Mr J Riches

Pupil Support Officer Yr 7

Mrs M Beales

Pupil Support Officer Yr 8

Mrs K Constable

Pupil Support Leader Yr 8

Mrs E Dack

Pupil Support Officer Yr 9

Mrs E Tayler

Pupil Support Leader Yr 9

Mrs K Temple

Pupil Support Officer Yr 10

Ms T Ryan

Pupil Support Officer Yr 11 (p/t)

Mrs K Smith

A safeguarding concern or safety issue in school: Mr N O’Brien
