Special Educational Needs
Please click here to view our SEN Information Report and local offer.
Please click here to view the Norfolk local offer.
Please click here to read the latest Norfolk SEND Partnership News.
SEN is at the heart of the school, providing excellent SEN support, and also playing a very active role in the continued development of teaching and learning within the school. I am passionate in my work, as is the whole department. We strive continuously to provide an understanding of the students’ individual needs and our goal is to see them settle and work to the very best of their abilities. We are committed to supporting their integration into main stream school at all levels.
We have 3 teaching assistants and 6 classroom assistants who support within the class room and at form time. We offer reading groups, support with homework, numeracy and literacy support. Students may also work with a teaching assistant in small groups or individually outside of the class room.
Our lead in literacy support, Alison Slater, spearheads our Sound Discovery phonics programme, aimed at students who are struggling with their literacy and who need that little bit of extra support. She also works on memory and reading skills, and is very experienced in using kinaesthetic methods to support students in their learning. We also use the ‘Nessy Learning’ programme which gives students the opportunity to work independently, focussing on their own individual needs. Alison has the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing, which allows her to do in depth assessments of students; she also manages exam dispensation.
The Link, run by Fiona Parker, offers support to students for a variety of reasons: it may be because of difficulties with learning within a class room, or regulating their behaviour; there may be emotional issues, or the need to support because of difficult personal circumstances. Academic support is also given.
Everyone in the SEN department works strenuously to give the students we support the best possible chance of making the most of their time at Neatherd, so that they can make the most of their opportunities in life beyond school.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator: Mr Nick O'Brien
Head of Specialist Resource Base (SRB): Mrs Sally McDermott
'The Link' Manager (Higher Level Teaching Assistant): Mrs Fiona Parker
To contact any of these people, you can email office@neatherd.org.uk
NBR 260919