Learning at Neatherd isn’t just about five lessons a day in classrooms! We’re very proud indeed of our extra-curricular offer. Every day, you can find clubs and teams taking place at lunchtimes and after school.
As well as being great fun (and a chance to meet new friends), clubs and teams offer opportunities to learn new skills or to improve existing skills. They also have an important role to play in preparing young people for adult life. Employers and universities always place great value on applicants’ extra-curricular experiences.
Here’s what’s currently available to students at Neatherd. In addition, there are many other opportunities available including inter-house competitions, all sorts of day trips and a number of residential trips. We think we have something on offer to cater for all interests (but if you can think of a new club that you and other students would enjoy doing, speak to a teacher and we’ll do our best to set up something!).
So what are you waiting for? Join a club or team and get involved in the wider life of our school!