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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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To provide inspirational careers support which enables our young people to make the right choices to succeed in their chosen career. See also our Careers Policy

Careers Staff

Samantha Gerrard – SLT Leader on CEIAG provision
Miss J Stewart-Richardson – Careers Leader and project manager for Career Mark (working towards Level 6 Careers Leader)
Teresa Hensellek – Careers Coordinator (working towards Careers Advisor)

See the bottom of this page for contact details.

Undertanding staff roles within the provision of CEIAG at Neatherd - see this file.

The Neatherd CEIAG Entitlement statements for students and their Parents & Carers

CIEAG Overview
All learners in school will:
Take part in a comprehensive careers programme in years 7-11 that helps them to: understand their education, training, employment and other progression opportunities. The programme is available to view on our website. This would include:

  • Devise and maintain individual progression/action plans to help them improve their prospects of success by having at least one personal guidance meeting with a level six qualified advisor
  • Year 10 work experience
  • Post 16 options evening (year 11)
  • Year 11 mock interview day
  • A half term of tutorial activities from years 7-11
  • An assembly programme that will consist of employers, HE providers and FE providers
  • Year 7 business breakfast
  • Apprenticeship Event for year 10 and year 9 students
  • Society & Ethics curriculum, with a particular focus on students in year 10 and 11.
  • A curriculum which has careers embedded throughout across the wide range of subjects that are taught
  • A range of extra-curricular activities i.e. STEM club, cook club, the Brilliant Club, SNAG group, school council
  • Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression
  • Access relevant information and learning from employer engagement/taster activities and experience of work
  • Offer feedback and ideas on how to improve the careers programme through regular surveys

Have access to, and support with using careers information that is:

  • Easy to find and available at convenient times and in convenient locations, including on the Microsoft Teams page (year 11) and the comprehensive range of literature which is available in the school library
  • Clearly labelled and referenced
  • Comprehensive; giving details of all progression opportunities and associated support arrangements such as financial help
  • Unbiased and up to date

Obtain careers guidance that is:
• Impartial
• Confidential
• Focused on individual needs and fit for purpose
• Supportive of equal opportunities
• Provided by people with relevant training and expertise

All parents and carers can expect to:

  • Be able to make an appointment with a member of staff or specialist adviser to discuss their children’s progress and future prospects
  • Have access to tutors, subjects, learning partners and specialist advisers at parents’ evenings in years 10 and 11 and Options evenings in years 9 and 11
  • Receive invitations to take part in careers and information events
  • Have the opportunity to comment on the usefulness of the careers programme to their children and how it could be improved.

The careers entitlement statement at Neatherd is reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure it meets the needs of our students. The school is fully compliant with the Baker clauses and activity encourages those providers to engage with our students.

Miss J Stewart-Richardson is the named person to the role of Careers Leader to lead the careers programme at Neatherd High School.

Provider Access Policy

For the Technical College Provision, please see this file.

Planned programme of careers, employability and enterprise education at Neatherd High School.

Please see this file.

Embedding careers into the curriculum document here.

Meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks summary document here.

Measuring the impact of the careers programme

Leavers 2023
Activity Survey ReportMost recent Compass Report

Leavers 2022

Activity Survey ReportMost recent Compass Report

Leavers 2021

Student SurveyCompass Report


Leavers 2020

Click each title for a file:

Destination Data

Leavers 2019

Click each title for a file:

Destination Data

Leavers 2018

Click each title for a file:

Destination Data
Compass report

Benefits of the Neatherd Careers Programme

At Neatherd we put in a considerable amount of resources because we believe in the benefits of an effective careers education programme. Our careers education work is supported by the excellent support of different stakeholders. The benefits of our work are not achieved in isolation but we see them as being:

  • Students can make informed post 16 choices and beyond
  • It plays a part in raising the aspirations of our students
  • Used as a motivational tool to encourage students to do well so they can progress in their chosen careers
  • Helps promote positive destination figures
  • Opens our students eyes to the wide world
  • Breaks down stereotypes about different careers. Careers can be for anyone
  • Engages with our local community
  • Develops the transferable skills of our students

Year 11 students – How to apply for post 16 provision?

See this file.

Work Experience

What to do for work experience 2025

year 10 work experience launch presentation.pdf


Careers Appointment Referral Form

We encourage any student in any year group with a need to make an appointment with our fully qualified careers advisor. If you would like to make an appointment please click here and fill in this form. Please note parents / carers you would be most welcome to make an appointment for your young person.

Useful Website Links

 See this file.

GCB Recruitment

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information (LMI) is the name for the facts and figures about jobs and employment regionally, nationally and globally. The information is used to give an overview of past, present and future work. The labour market is the term used to describe the amount of people working and looking for work and the amount of jobs available in different industries.

Some useful specific labour market links:


At Neatherd we love hearing about the journeys of our alumni. If you would like to view our alumni or contribute to the page please visit here.
We also use our Linkedin page as part of keeping our alumni up to date. This is a large database resource which we value greatly. If you would like to contribute to this the link is here - https://uk.linkedin.com/school/dereham-neatherd-high-school/

Contact Details

If you need to contact a member of the careers team, please use the office@neatherd.org.uk e-mail and mark for the attention of the member of staff you would like to contact.

If you need to make written contact with a member of staff, please use this postal address:

Dereham Neatherd High School
Norwich Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR20 3AX

The telephone number for the school is 01362 969718 and then just ask to speak to the correct member of staff.

We welcome any feedback on the information contained on this page from key stakeholders interested in our provision. Please contact the careers leaders. The information on this page will be reviewed in Spring 2025 as per the Careers Policy.