Pupil Reports Information
At Dereham Neatherd High School, we place great value on our close working relationship with pupils’ parents and carers. We aim to ensure you are given useful information about how your child is doing at school on a regular basis. In addition to parents’ evenings, information evenings and intervention interviews, we report home three times per year.
Your child’s reports will include the following information:
YEAR 7 |
Attitude to Learning standard CAT standardised scores |
Attitude to Learning standard Mid-year assessment results |
Attitude to Learning standard End of year assessment results Tutor Comment Progress Test reports for English/Maths |
YEAR 8 |
Attitude to Learning standard
Attitude to Learning standard Mid-year assessment results |
Attitude to Learning standard End of year assessment results Tutor Comment Progress Test reports for English/Maths |
YEAR 9 |
Attitude to Learning standard
Attitude to Learning standard Mid-year assessment results |
Attitude to Learning standard End of year assessment results Tutor Comment Progress Test reports for English/Maths |
YEAR 10 |
Attitude to Learning standard Y10 Autumn forecast grades
Attitude to Learning standard Y10 Spring forecast grades Tutor comment Subject teacher comments |
Attitude to Learning standard Y10 Summer forecast grades
YEAR 11 |
Attitude to Learning standard Y11 Autumn Forecast Grades
Attitude to Learning standard Y11 Spring forecast grades Tutor comment Subject teacher comments
Attitude to Learning standard Y11 Summer forecast grades |
What does this information tell me?
Attitude to Learning standard |
The most important information on your child’s report! At Dereham Neatherd High School, we have very high standards for all pupils. Your child’s report will show if they are meeting these standards for each subject. If this is not the case, the report will also show the area(s) in which your child needs to improve in order to reach his/her potential. Attitude to Learning covers:
Mid-year test scores |
In Years 7, 8 and 9, pupils will complete a short mid-year assessment in each subject in January / February. We report your child’s score as a percentage. We also report the average score for the cohort who took the assessment as a useful benchmark. (Remember: These tests are a snapshot of performance on a particular day. Attitude to Learning is a more important indicator of performance.) |
End-of-year test scores |
In Years 7, 8 and 9, pupils will complete a short end-of-year assessment in each subject in May / June. We report your child’s score as a percentage. We also report the average score for the cohort who took the assessment as a useful benchmark. (Remember: These tests are a snapshot of performance on a particular day. Attitude to Learning is a more important indicator of performance.) |
CAT standardised scores |
CATs are Cognitive Ability Tests that are usually carried out at the beginning of Year 7. They are a measure of a child’s academic potential. Scores within the range 89 – 111 are considered to be ‘average’. CAT scores allow us to identify any additional learning needs that pupils may have. |
Progress Tests in English / maths |
Pupils take these short online tests in English and maths in Years 7, 8 and 9. They are produced by GL Assessment and are used in hundreds of schools across the country, providing reliable and valid data on performance in these two key subjects. Pupils receive a standardised score. As with CATs, any score within the range 89 – 111 is considered to fall within the ‘average’ band. |
Tutor comments |
A brief written report once per year on your child’s overall performance and wellbeing in school, covering attendance, homework, behaviour, extra-curricular achievements and any general targets for improvement. |
Subject teacher comments (Y10 and Y11 only) |
A brief written report from each subject teacher (examination subjects only) providing information on how your child can achieve a higher grade or, where performance is excellent, consolidate learning. |
Forecast grades |
Your child’s teacher will give a professional judgement on the grade he or she feels your child is most likely to achieve by the end of the course. This is based on professional judgement and takes into account the quality of classwork and homework, test scores, any coursework and effort. They can never be 100% accurate – otherwise there would be little point in pupils taking exams! – but in most cases, pupils will generally achieve within a grade either way of their forecasts. GCSEs are graded 9-1, with 9 being the highest grade. Other qualifications are graded as Pass / Merit / Distinction. |
Target grades |
This is the grade your child should be aiming for in each subject. Target grades are created using a number of sources of information and are designed to be challenging but achievable. |
You may also find the ‘Assessment and Feedback’ section of our website useful.
If you have any queries about your child’s report that cannot be discussed at Parents’ Evening, please contact your child’s teacher and ask for a phone call, email or brief meeting. You can do this by phoning the school (01362 969718) or by sending an email to office@neatherd.org.uk.