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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Cowper Cavell Fry Wollaston

At Neatherd we have a House System. This means that from year 7-11 pupils are divided into four houses - CowperCavellFry and Wollaston.

Form-groups are each assigned to one of the houses, so that in each year group we have 2 forms per each house.

The houses are a means of encouraging team work and community.

Pupils are awarded housepoints individually, as part of teams when entering house activities and competitions as well as when participating in sporting events including our sports festival in July each year. These housepoints are then collated and used to award the house cup each year to the house with the most number of housepoints.

All staff, except for the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher (Pupil support and Behaviour), are also assigned to a house and they too can be awarded points for their houses when they participate in house activities.

Each house has a house captain, this is an Assistant Headteacher who leads their house and encourages participation from all. They lead house assemblies each half term and also organise the house events each half term.

Cowper – Mr Sinclair

Cavell – Mrs Holmes

Fry – Mrs Gerrard

Wollaston – Mr O’Brien


Types of house events:

For pupils – spelling bees, quizzes, a range of sports tournaments, charity fundraising, readathons, languages quiz, science fair to name a few


For staff – badminton tournament, karaoke, netball tournament, languages quiz, scavenger hunt, general knowledge quiz to name a few
