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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Wellbeing and Mental Health Support at Neatherd

Parental Wellbeing Resources

Support over the winter break from Kooth.com

We are proud of the mental health support we offer at Neatherd. We are the only school in the region to have achieved a Healthy Schools Gold Award for our mental health work.  We are committed supporters of the Time to Change Campaign.

Time to Change believes that on average three young people in each classroom have a mental health issue.  Here are some of the things we do to promote wellbeing at Neatherd:

  • We take a whole school approach.  All students are encouraged to think about their mental wellbeing as well as their physical wellbeing. Everyone has mental health – good or bad and often it is a mixture of both!
  • We have a full time Mental Health Practitioner. She is trained to offer support with the person-centred approach to counselling, basic cognitive behaviour therapy and some mindfulness techniques. She will also work closely with parents and carers and refer to external services when appropriate.
  • We see the importance of mental health and discuss this during form times and society and ethics lessons.
  • We have an anger coach who works one day a week.
  • We will be offering 1:1 lego therapy.
  • Small group mentoring craft and talking
  • 1:1 mentoring
  • We have a trained counsellor who works one day a week who sees students one to one or in small groups. We organise targeted small group self-esteem classes.
  • We work with other schools to share best practise.
  • We use our wellbeing checklist with students to raise awareness of ways to feel better and to set targets.

What should you do if you are worried about a young person at Neatherd?

  1. Talk to them about how they are feeling.
  2. Speak to the Mental Health Practitioner about support we can offer at school, or advice on referrals to external services.
  3. Referrals for support at Neatherd with either the Mental Health Practitioner, anger coach or talk therapist - Students will be given a triage appointment within two weeks where they will be told when they will start, there may be a waiting list to access support.  There are six sessions before the support is reviewed.

Please check the website for useful information for parents with information on apps, websites and services which support young people’s mental health. Please note that we are not recommending these groups/information and cannot be held responsible for the advice, work or input that they may give.  We are sharing them with you as you may find them useful if you decide to contact or use them.


Managing stress and anxiety: tips for students and apprentices
Healthy coping strategies: video for young people
Young Minds:Stress bucket activity
Childline:Coping with stress
Childline:Exam stress
Anna Freud self-care strategies for teenagers
DNHS Wellbeing booklet
Summer holidays | Childline 
How to Look After Your Mental Health This Summer | YoungMinds
After Someone Dies
Beat Anxiety Pack
Teen Sleep Hub
The Truth About Self-Harm
My Self-Care Plan

