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Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Welcome to The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

You can see a presentation about the Bronze level here, and the Silver level here.

What is the DofE all about?
A DofE programme is a real adventure from beginning to end. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from. You just need to be aged between 14 and 24 and realise there’s more to life than sitting on a sofa watching life pass you by.

Dereham Neatherd High School currently has pupils working towards their Bronze and Silver Awards. These participants have to carry out activities in four different sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. It is rewarding to see this level of commitment from pupils in Years 9 to 11.

We have fully qualified staff to run the expedition weekends and dates are agreed in advance so that the pupils can attend the relevant training sessions during lunchtimes. The participants need to arrange their own transportation to and from the locations, full details of which are advised to parents by letters and consent forms prior to the weekends. Full information is also added to our webpage.

Participants are issued with a pack when they have completed the enrolment process and full details are enclosed in it.

If you have any queries or would like having any further information, then please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.  

You can do programmes at three levels, which when completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award. 

You achieve your Award by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections (five if you're going for Gold) - Volunteering, Physical, Skills, Expedition and for Gold, a Residential.

You'll find yourself helping people or the community, getting fitter,developing skills, going on an expedition and taking part in a residential activity (Gold only).

The best bit is - you get to choose what you do!

Your programme can be full of activities and projects that get you buzzing, and along the way you’ll pick up experiences, friends and talents that will stay with you for the rest of your life.